As students of any age grow all year September to June with dance technique, routines, exercise, and self-esteem, it is extremely important to continue the positive learning atmosphere throughout the summer months to keep them fresh, properly trained, and ready for the fall season. Taking the summer off can really set the dancer back with flexibility, technique, and basic training. In our 5 week summer session, the instructors will focus on just that. Dancers will be exposed to unique teaching styles and fresh choreography to keep them on top!
At Lights, Camera, Dancin’ we are dedicated to providing a well-rounded, structured, encouraging, challenging, and energetic environment for all dancers. This allows our dancers to excel and develop to their fullest potential. We are focused on teaching proper technique, execution, and performance while adhering to the specific needs of each dancer and building self-confidence. Our classes are kept dynamic and motivating, which permits each dancer to achieve their personal goals and enjoy what they love doing most...DANCIN’! We love to see our dancers blossom into beautiful young adults who are confident and self-assured. Dance is an art form that allows each dancer the freedom to be who they are without judgements. The overall benefit of life lessons learned through dance are truly amazing. Dance is good for so many aspects of their lives, so even though they are having fun and learning, they do not even realize how much they are growing! Each student will be given the opportunity to grow, whether the student is a recreational dancer or a serious student with aspirations of a career in dance. Most importantly, all of our students will learn to love and appreciate the art of dance and will have the time of their lives doing so!
Dance! Dance! Dance!
Whether you are looking for a class that meets once a week or a more intensive schedule, LCD gives you the best of both worlds! Here at LCD we offer classes for our recreational students all the way to our Broadway bound students! Our qualified instructors do their best to help our dancers attain their personal goals and to instill the characteristics of respect, confidence, teamwork, good sportsmanship, and leadership. We will strive to make this a memorable experience for each dancer.
Leveled Dance Camps
LCD Dance Camps are an EXCELLENT way to experience all styles of dance in one session for a GREAT price! Our LCD Dance Camps are extremely beneficial because they allow each dancer to keep up on technique throughout the summer in order to be fresh and ready for the fall. Our Dance Camps work out FANTASTIC for each dancer because they can try all different styles of dance, make an educated decision on what they really love to do, and potentially find a hidden talent during the duration of the Summer Dance Camp! These classes can be taken individually at the hourly rate as well. Additionally, these camps serve as the audition for the upcoming Competitive Action Dance Crew Team dance season.
All leveled camps serve as the audition for the competitive team, Action Dance Crew
ADC is a performing and competitive dance team for dedicated dancers. These talented and enthused dancers are required to: audition annually, attend dance conventions (workshops), perform for the community and compete at regional and national dance competitions. Students are also required to attend additional classes and rehearsals throughout the year to enhance their performance. We have a very talented group of dedicated and well-rounded dancers ages 4-18 and growing!
Do you have a dancer who wants to experience what it is to be on a competitive and performing dance team without taking the full plunge? If you have ever thought about auditioning for ADC, but are not sure it is for you, this is a good way to get your feet wet! Your dancer will do mostly performances, a possible convention, and only 1-2 competitions! If at the end of our season your dancer wants to audition for ADC, the transition is seamless for our Shooting Star dancers. Our Shooting Star dancers who are involved in other groups and activities have found our Shooting Stars team to be the perfect amount of performance, competition, and rehearsal for them.
If you are currently an ADC dancer, it is required that you continue with the summer camp you are placed in. If you wish to be considered for the competitive team, you must be enrolled in a summer camp. Not only does this camp assist the teachers in the selection process for the upcoming Competitive Season, but it also allows the dancers to continue to grow in their abilities in the off season. Attending the Summer Dance Program does not guarantee a spot on the Competitive Dance Team. Your child(ren) will receive a letter upon completion of the summer program. Once you are registered for camp, you will be emailed a competitive dancer selection information google form, which lets the teachers know what you are interested in auditioning for so we can evaluate each dancer properly over the summer. This must be completed online detailed, efficiently, and immediately. Thank you. Attendance is important since this year they will be learning audition dances during part of their class. You will be notified by the second week of camp if your dancer is needed for any additional audition days/times. Please wear all form-fitting black dancewear with hair in a slicked back bun to the last 2 weeks of camp.
I personally believe observing a dancer over a longer period of time is much more efficient than seeing a dancer for one hour and making a decision about a year-long commitment. This process makes it fair for the students to show their dance abilities as well as personality over the duration of the summer and allows the teacher to see the student in different settings and watch the student progress in dance combinations so they can be properly placed. Regardless of the setting or the audience, our dancers view every performance as an opportunity to celebrate their gift and to share the joy of dance with their audience. Performances and competitions will be held throughout the year and are both equally important and completely necessary as a part of each ADC dancer’s dance education. “Watching my dancers grow is what makes it all worthwhile! I’ve seen dreams come true, I’ve seen results, and I’ve seen lives change!” Our Award Winning team is strong and ready for anything...including new members! We are looking forward to new dancers joining our team and would LOVE for you to dance with us!


What You Need:
Completed Registration Form and Signed Liability Waiver
Be sure to include a valid e-mail address since the majority of the studio
communication will be done via e-mail (please print clearly).
A registration fee is required to reserve
your class space (nonrefundable)
Select the payment method that works for you and include your tuition
Payment Options:
I will pay my tuition in full upon registration
I will pay half of my tuition upon registration (with my registration fee) and I will pay the balance prior to July 27th, 2019
I will be purchasing a punch card (if I qualify) and paying the amount in full
We accept Cash, Checks (make payable to Lights, Camera, Dancin’) and major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard and Discover)
*There will be a $25 charge for all returned checks.

Your tuition payment and registration fee are due upon registration. Or, you may pay half of your tuition and full registration fee at registration, with the balance being paid in full prior to July 31ST - NO EXCEPTIONS.
If you were given a camp schedule, please register for that camp and match the total amount of classes to the price chart above for your price.
Any family with more than one person from the same household registered receives a 10% discount on the above rates. If one of the family members holds a punch card, this offer does NOT apply.
Punch cards are $90 for 10 classes.
If there are less than 5 students enrolled in a class, it will be cancelled or combined with a similar dance class.
You CAN enroll in a dance camp and choose not to
audition for the dance team.
All classes run “as is” for the first week.
A registration fee of $15 per student or $20 per family is
due upon registration in addition to your tuition payment.
Whether you dance for fun or desire to be a professional, it is important to adhere to the following policies. The world of dance has certain guidelines which apply to every dancer. The rules given to you are for your benefit. Everyone is here to learn and to have fun. By respecting these rules, you help set a pleasant learning atmosphere.
o I am here by choice. I will come prepared, I will be punctual, and I will attend classes regularly because I realize excessive tardiness and absences can hold back my entire class as well as myself.
o When I arrive 5 to 10 minutes before my scheduled class, I will use the washroom, take a drink, and put my shoes on because I realize this is a much better way to begin class than running in the door as class begins.
o I will come to class with a positive attitude, I will be ready to learn, and I will be respectful of my teacher, classmates and studio property.
o I will practice, listen, and learn from the corrections my instructor gives me.
o I will not lean against the barres, the mirrors, or sit while class is in session.
o I will keep my dance equipment neat and clean at all times.
o I will not bring food or drinks into the dance rooms and I will not bring gum or candy into the dance studio.
o I will not interrupt the instructor while another class is in session and I will not enter the dance room while another class is in session, unless I have permission to do so.
o I will not run or yell in the studio. -
o I will remain in the building while waiting to be picked up after class.
o I understand my dancer is to be picked up immediately after class ends. -
o I will not leave siblings unattended at the studio during class because it causes a disturbance and prevents proper instruction.
o I understand there is to be no “Coaching from the sidelines” from any parents or observers to faculty members or students, including my own child during class. -
o I will read my newsletter and check my e-mail at least one time per week to keep updated on new information.
o I will add a late fee of $10 for any payments received after the due date. If I do not add the late fee, I know I will be charged for the late fee automatically-NO EXCEPTIONS. -
o Lights, Camera, Dancin’ INC does not issue refunds-NO EXCEPTIONS.
o I understand dance shoes are not to be worn outside for any reason. -
o We ask that you please notify the studio by phone or e-mail if your child will be absent. Classes that are missed may be made up in a similar class. Any class that is not made up, will be forfeited and refunds will not be issued. Classes that are cancelled by the studio will be rescheduled. If it is necessary for us to cancel classes due to severe weather conditions, we will send out an email during the day before classes would start and there will be a recorded message on the studio answering machine.
o I understand if I do not adhere to these specified guidelines, my enrollment may be cancelled.