Lights, Camera, Dancin’ welcomes you to our dance studio! We are dedicated to providing a well-rounded, structured, encouraging, challenging, and energetic environment for all dancers. This allows our dancers to excel and develop to their fullest potential. We are focused on teaching proper technique, execution, and performance while adhering to the specific needs of each dancer and building self-confidence. Our classes are kept dynamic and motivating. This permits each dancer to achieve their personal goals and enjoy what they love doing most...Dancin’!
The following information will guide you through the dance year, but please don’t ever hesitate to contact us with additional questions. Classes run from September through June. Since classes are progressive, students are encouraged to complete the entire dance year and continue training during the summer months, too! Please keep in mind there are reasons behind every rule, and every rule is put into place in the best interest of our dancers, dance families, instructors, and our studio as a whole.
The Lights, Camera, Dancin’ team is ecstatic that you have chosen our studio to instruct your dancer! The confidence and trust you have bestowed in our dance studio will not go unnoticed and is deeply appreciated! It is our goal to provide an environment for each dancer and their family that will create longlasting relationships and many happy memories!
Private lessons are available at an extra charge of $30 per 1⁄2 hour. If your dancer would like to have an extra one-on-one practice, please contact the studio for additional information.

Lights, Camera, Dancin’ presents an annual recital during the month of June. There will be a required dress rehearsal and picture day prior to the recital. A Costume(s), a Recital T-shirt, a DVD, and a Showcase fee will all be included in your recital package service fee. Costume/Recital costs are non- refundable, and you are responsible for payment once the commitment to participate in our recital is made. There will be an optional fundraiser for costume fees. All new and returning students who want to perform in the dance recital must be enrolled by December 1st prior to the Recital.
We ask that you please notify the studio by phone or e-mail if your child will be absent. Classes that are missed may be made up within the month in a similar class. Any class that is not made up within the month will be forfeited, and refunds will not be issued. Classes that are cancelled by the studio will be rescheduled if necessary. If it is necessary for us to cancel classes due to severe weather conditions, we will send out an email that day before classes would start, and there will be a recorded message on the studio answering machine.
If you have previous dance experience, but are new to Lights, Camera, Dancin’, please call to schedule a placement evaluation!
What You Need:
Completed Online Registration with a valid email, cell phone number, and method of payment
A registration fee of $15 per student or $20 per family is required to reserve your class space (non-refundable)
Payment Options:
*For your convenience, there are two methods of payment from which you can choose:
The entire fall/winter/spring balance can be paid in full upon registration. See the front desk staff for your total for the year.
The entire fall/winter/spring balance can be divided into a payment plan of 10 monthly installments. The first installment is due upon registration.
Payments are deducted automatically between the 10th and the 15th of each month (June is between the 5th and10th)
Please Remember:
*Add a late fee of $10 for any payments that are late.
*Add a fee of $10 for your card if it declines a payment. *Dancers will be automatically re-enrolled into their classes unless we are otherwise notified in writing from the parent by the 1st of each month
*There will be a $25 charge for all returned checks and/or any disputed charges

To simplify bookkeeping, tuition is divided into 10 monthly payments (your first payment is due upon registration) due between the 1st and 10th of each month from September (registration) thru June. The June payment is due by June 5th since the recital is in June. You also have the option to pay for the entire year upon registration. Our payment system does include scheduled breaks throughout the year during which there are no classes.

The unlimited fee is a payment per student, not a family rate
Any family with more than one person from the same household registered receives a 10% discount on the above rates.
If one of the family members holds a punch card, this offer does NOT apply. -
If there are less than 5 students enrolled in a class, it will be cancelled or combined with a similar dance class.
Drop-in fee of $19 per class/$15 for each adult class
All classes run “as is” for the first week.
Adult classes are $15 each “pay as you go” or $90 for a 10 class punch card.
There is no registration fee for adult classes. Same household discounts do not apply
A registration fee of $15 per student or $20 per family is due upon registration in addition to your tuition payment.
Whether you dance for fun or desire to be a professional, it is important to adhere to the following policies. The world of dance has certain guidelines which apply to every dancer. The rules given to you are for your benefit. Everyone is here to learn and to have fun. By respecting these rules, you help set a pleasant learning atmosphere.
I am here by choice. I will come prepared, I will be punctual, and I will attend classes regularly because I realize excessive tardiness and absences can hold back my entire class as well as myself.
When I arrive 5 to 10 minutes before my scheduled class, I will use the washroom, take a drink, and put my shoes on because I realize this is a much better way to begin class than running in the door as class begins.
I will come to class with a positive attitude, I will be ready to learn, and I will be respectful of my teacher, classmates and studio property.
I will practice, listen, and learn from the corrections my instructor gives me.
I will not lean against the barres, the mirrors, or sit while class is in session.
I will keep my dance equipment neat and clean at all times.
I will not bring food or drinks into the dance rooms and I will not bring gum or candy into the dance studio.
I will not interrupt the instructor while another class is in session and I will not enter the dance room while another class is in session, unless I have permission to do so.
I will not run or yell in the studio.
I will remain in the building while waiting to be picked up after class.
I understand my dancer is to be picked up immediately after class ends.
I will not leave siblings unattended at the studio during class because it causes a disturbance and prevents proper instruction.
I will not be distracting at the classroom viewing windows and will respect the viewing rules.
I understand there is to be no “Coaching from the sidelines” from any parents or observers to faculty members or students, including my own child during class.
I will read my newsletter and check my e-mail at least one time per week to keep updated on new information.
I am aware there is a registration fee of $15.00 per student or $20.00 per family which is due upon registration in addition to my first tuition payment and I know my registration fee and tuition are not refundable.
I will add a late fee of $10.00 for any payments received after the due date for each month. If I do not add the late fee, I know I will be charged for the late fee automatically- NO EXCEPTIONS.
Lights, Camera, Dancin’ INC does not issue refunds- NO EXCEPTIONS.
I understand only a notice will be posted every month in the studio lobby on the week tuition is due and statements are not mailed home unless my account becomes past due.
My dancer(s) will be automatically re-enrolled into his/her classes unless I give a written notification.
Once I commit to participate in the dance recital, I know and fully understand I am financially responsible for all recital and recital package costs involved. All new and returning students who want to perform in the dance recital must be enrolled by December 1st, 2017.
If my account falls a month behind the payment schedule, I understand my dancer will not be allowed to participate in class. I understand this could affect my dancer’s eligibility for the dance recital and action dance crew.
I understand the importance of payment due dates and I understand if I ignore a payment deadline, it could affect my dancer’s eligibility for the dance recital and action dance crew.
There is a $25.00 charge for all returned checks.
I understand dance shoes are not to be worn outside for any reason.
We ask that you please notify the studio by phone or e-mail if your child will be absent. Classes that are missed may be made up in a similar class. Any class that is not made up, will be forfeited and refunds will not be issued. Classes that are cancelled by the studio will be rescheduled. If it is necessary for us to cancel classes due to severe weather conditions, we will send out an email during the day before classes would start and there will be a recorded message on the studio answering machine.
I understand if I/we do not adhere to these specified guidelines, my enrollment may be cancelled.

Combination Classes, Creative Dance, Baby & Me, and Tiny Toes:
Leotard, leotards with attached skirts, or biketards with appropriate shoes (ballet/tap requires both ballet and tap shoes, but jazz/hip hop classes can be taken in jazz shoes only until recital requirements are given. Tiny Toes and Baby & Me are ballet shoes only)
Hip Hop:
Form fitting attire on top, dance pants/shorts, and hip hop sneakers.
Jazz (jazz shoes), Jumps & Turns (jazz shoes), Poms (jazz shoes), Musical Theater (jazz shoes), Lyrical (sole shields), Contemporary (sole shields), and Tap (tap shoes):
Form fitting attire on top, shorts or fitted leggings, tights are optional.
Solid color leotard or form fitting tank, ballet skirt, fitted solid colored shorts or leggings, and ballet shoes. Hair must be wrapped into a bun.
Solid color leotard or form fitting tank, ballet skirt, fitted solid colored shorts or leggings, and pointe shoes. Hair must be wrapped into a bun. Pointe shoes are not available for purchase through Lights, Camera, Dancin’
T-shirt, dance pants/shorts, and appropriate dance shoes.
Please keep in mind...
Hair must always be pulled away from the dancer’s face.
Satin ballet slippers, jeans, jeggings, baggy sweat pants (exception in hip hop only), street clothes, street shoes, food, and drinks are not permitted in the dance rooms.
Appropriate dance shoes must be worn to all classes and dance combination classes (ballet/tap will need both ballet and tap shoes, but jazz/hip hop classes can be taken in jazz shoes only until recital requirements are given)
It is very important to remember shoe requirements for class often vary in color and style from those needed for the recital. Recital requirements for each class will be given out later in the season.
All dance shoes should be labeled and kept in a dance bag with the student’s name or identifying object (i.e.: keychain) somewhere on the dance bag. Dance shoes should not be worn outside.
Lights, Camera, Dancin’ is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.